#mom look i wrote a poem are u now proud of me






my naem is woo

and in the nite

weyn the police 

ahre out of site 

i steel a lass

to taek her lyfe 

and weyn ime done

i lik the knife 

my naem is bum

i cook the stewe 

and poysen it 

to kill sangwoo 

uhntil the tyme 

i mayke him sik

i love him still

i suk his dik

my naem is bae

and i am cop

wen i dyd wrong

they mayde me stoppe

and so to paye

my ryteful due,

i sneake arounde

i catche the woo

my naem is lee

i luv da bae

butt hys idiot

oftden onn hys periodt

i alwayisis hlelb

Butt hys licke ‘welp’

i habwe an interesting moodt

and I bui da bae foodt
